Minor subject – Bachelor of Science Computer Science

Information about the minor subject ("Anwendungsfach") in the Bachelor of Science Computer Science degree program.

Within the Bachelor’s degree program, you have to take mathematics and computer courses in addition to courses from the minor subject. Since Computer Science is interdisciplinary, there is the possibility to choose a minor subject from the list below. Within the minor subject, basic courses of each chosen subject are offered. You can find the exact modality of your chosen subject in the respective cooperation agreement. Request more detailed information from the Departmental Advisory Services Computer Science (Studienfachberatung) or the Departmental Advisory Services of the chosen subject.

Before you can sign up in JOGUStINe for courses in the minor subject, the so called “elective module”, you first you have to choose your minor subject. How to register is explained at www.info.jogustine.uni-mainz.de.

The respective requirements of the chosen subject apply in regard to the examination modalities. You can switch the minor subject once upon application. Find information about the minor subjects that are interesting for you in time and attend some courses for a first impression.

Cooperation agreement

IMPORTANT: The following statements are taken from the current valid examination regulations (Prüfungsordnung) (Bachelor of Science Computer Science 2014). If you are studying with other examination regulations, you can find the respective information about your examination regulations in our download center.

The minor subject is intended to further the interdisciplinary education in a scientific environment. The exact modules that can be chosen in a minor subject are described in the respective cooperation agreement:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry *)
  • Film Studies *)
  • Geography
  • International Studies and language college (Internat. Studien- u. Sprachkolleg, ISSK)
  • Linguistics
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine *)
  • Musicology
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Physical Chemistry *)
  • Psychology
  • Communication Studies **)
  • Law *)
  • Sport science
  • Economics
  • Commercial and media law

*) not available (since SoSe 2014)
**) not available (since WiSe 2015/16)

The examination board can accept more minor subjects upon application. If you have already studied another subject, there might be the possibility to add the available examination prerequisites to the minor subject. Please contact the Departmental Advisory Services for more information.

In total, you need to collect 18 credits (CP) in the minor subject. Within the supplementary module, the minor subjects Biology, Mathematics, Physics or Economics can be taken with 12 CP.