import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np ## INPUT SEGMENT k=2; #Halbach coefficient (1=dipole, 2= quadrupole,...) ri=2.843/100; #inner radius [m] ro=4.2/100; #outer radius [m] N=16; #number of segments typ=5; #typ of Mandhala (1=cylindrical segment, 2 = circular, 3= trigonal,..., m= number of vertices...) a=0/1000; #side length of magnet [m], if = 0, a is calculated from d (next) d=1/1000; #distance between magnets [m], if a~=0 d is ignored L=7/1000; #axial length [m] z0=(ro+ri)/2/np.sqrt(2*k+4); Z0=[-z0,z0]; #position of multiple identical rings in z-dimension [m] BR=1.0; #remanence [T] mr=1.05; #relative permeability nx=100; #number of points for field plots ny=100; scale=5; #scaling for vector plot, pts = nx/scale ##CALCULATION phi=np.pi/typ; #rotation of each Mandhala element R=(ro+ri)/2; #central radius #calculation of ideal Halbach if (k==1): B0=BR*np.log(ro/ri)*1000; unit=' mT'; else: B0=BR*k/(k-1)*(ri**(1-k)-ro**(1-k)); if (k==2): unit=' T/m'; else: unit=' T/m^'+str(k-1); #calculation of permittivity effect theta=(mr+1)/(mr-1); fm=(1-theta)*theta*ro**2/(ri**2-theta**2*ro**2); #calculation of segmentation fs=np.sin((k+1)*np.pi/N)/((k+1)*np.pi/N); #calculation of polygonal effect if (a!=0): if (typ==1): a=0; elif (typ==2): d=ro-ri-2*a; else: d=2*(ro-ri-a/np.sin(np.pi/typ)); if (typ ==1): A=np.pi*(ro**2-ri**2)-d*N*(ro-ri); fM=A/np.pi/(ro**2-ri**2); elif (typ==2): a=(ro-ri)/2-d/2; A=a**2*np.pi; fM=N*A/np.pi/(ro**2-ri**2); else: a=(ro-ri-d/2)*np.sin(np.pi/typ); A=typ*a**2/4/np.tan(np.pi/typ); fM=N*A/np.pi/(ro**2-ri**2); ##calc truncation in 3rd dimension denomi=(4*R**2+L**2); if (k==1): fL=L*(6*R**2+L**2)*denomi**(-3/2); elif (k==2): fL=L*(L**4+10*L**2*R**2+30*R**4)*denomi**(-5/2); elif (k==3): fL=L*(L**6+14*L**4*R**2+70*L**2*R**4+140*R**6)*denomi**(-7/2); elif (k==4): fL=L*(L**8+18*L**6*R**2+126*L**4*R**4+420*L**2*R**6+630*R**8)*denomi**(-9/2); elif (k==5): fL=L*(L**10+22*L**8*R**2+198*L**6*R**4+924*L**4*R**6+2310*L**2*R**8+2772*R**10)*denomi**(-11/2); elif (k==6): fL=L*(L**12+26*L**10*R**2+286*L**8*R**4+1716*L**6*R**6+6006*L**4*R**8+12012*L**2*R**10+12012*R**12)*denomi**(-13/2) else: fL=0; ## OUTPUT VALUES alignvalue=90 print('__________________________________________________________________________________________') print(' ') pole=['DIPOLE','QUADRUPOLE','HEXUPOLE','OCTUPOLE','DECAPOLE','DODECAPOLE']; if (k<=6): s='cylindrical inner Halbach '+pole[k-1]+': with k = {0:.0f} ({1:0.0f} poles)'.format(k,2*k); print(; else: s='cylindrical inner Halbach {0:.0f}-UPOLE: with k = {1:.0f} ({0:.0f} poles)'.format(2*k,k); print(; print(' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'); s='inner radius = {0:.3f} mm, outer radius = {1:.3f} mm, central radius = {2:.3f} mm'.format(ri*1000,ro*1000,R*1000); print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); s='distance between magnets = {0:.3f} mm, magnet side length = {1:.3f} mm; remanence = {2:.3f} T'.format(d*1000,a*1000,BR); print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); print(' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'); flux='B'; for jj in range(k-1): flux=flux+"'"; s='ideal >> '+flux+' = {0:.3f}'.format(B0); s=s+unit; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); s='discretized in {0:.0f} segments >> '.format(N) s=s+flux; s=s+' = {0:.3f}'.format(B0*fs); s=s+unit; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); s='using a rel. permeability of {0:.0f} >> '.format(mr); s=s+flux; s=s+' = {0:.3f}'.format(B0*fs*fm); s=s+unit; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); shape=['cylindrical segments','circles','triangles','squares','pentagons','hexagons','heptagons','octagons','nonagons','decagons']; if (typ<=10): s='using {0:.0f} '.format(N); s=s+shape[typ-1]; s=s+' with side length {0:.3f} mm >> '.format(a*1000); s=s+flux; s=s+' = {0:.3f}'.format(B0*fs*fm*fM); s=s+unit; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); else: s='using {0:.0f} '.format(N); s=s+shape[typ-1]; s=s+'-ogons with side length {0:.3f} mm >> '.format(a*1000); s=s+flux; s=s+' = {0:.3f}'.format(B0*fs*fm*fM); s=s+unit; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); if (fL==0): s='truncated to a length of {0:.3f} mm >> '.format(L*1000); s=s+flux; s=s+' **** for this k no factor could be calculated '; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); else: s='truncated to a length of {0:.3f} mm >> '.format(L*1000); s=s+flux; s=s+' = {0:.3f}'.format(B0*fs*fm*fM*fL); s=s+unit; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); ##CALCULATE 2D B-FIELD Xx=np.linspace(-ri,ri,nx); #coordinates Yy=np.linspace(-ri,ri,ny); Bx=np.zeros((nx,ny)); #Bx-component By=np.zeros((nx,ny)); #By-component Ba=np.zeros((nx,ny)); #magnitude for ix in range(nx): for iy in range(ny): if ((Xx[ix]**2+Yy[iy]**2)<=ri**2): #only inside a circle with radius ri rk=complex(Xx[ix],Yy[iy]); if (k==1): Bx[ix,iy]=B0*fs*fm*fM*fL; Ba[ix,iy]=abs(np.sqrt(Bx[ix,iy]**2+By[ix,iy]**2)); else: Rk=rk**(k-1); Bx[ix,iy]=B0*fs*fm*fM*fL*Rk.real; By[ix,iy]=-B0*fs*fm*fM*fL*Rk.imag; Ba[ix,iy]=abs(np.sqrt(Bx[ix,iy]**2+By[ix,iy]**2)); ## PLOTS fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,3); # plot geometry in xy plane pa=np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,1000); axs[0, 0].plot(ro*np.cos(pa),ro*np.sin(pa),'c'); #plot outer diameter axs[0, 0].plot(ri*np.cos(pa),ri*np.sin(pa),'c'); #plot inner diameter axs[0, 0].plot(R*np.cos(pa),R*np.sin(pa),'g--'); #plot central diameter R Px=np.zeros((typ,N)); #this is where the vertices are stored Py=np.zeros((typ,N)); for jj in range(N): ux=R*np.cos((jj+1)*2*np.pi/N); #center of magnets on R uy=R*np.sin((jj+1)*2*np.pi/N); La=R/10; #length of magnetization arrow axs[0, 0].plot(ux,uy,'ro'); #plot centers of magnets alph=(k+1)*(jj+1)*2*np.pi/N; #orientation angle of magnetization axs[0, 0].plot([ux-La*np.cos(alph),ux+La*np.cos(alph)],[uy-La*np.sin(alph),uy+La*np.sin(alph)],'r'); #plot magnetization arrow axs[0, 0].plot(ux+La*np.cos(alph),uy+La*np.sin(alph),'r.'); #plot arrow tip if (typ==1): #plot segments pia=2*np.pi*(jj+1)/N-np.pi/N+np.arctan(d/2/ri); pie=2*np.pi*(jj+1)/N+np.pi/N-np.arctan(d/2/ri); pci=np.linspace(pia,pie,50); axs[0, 0].plot(ri*np.cos(pci),ri*np.sin(pci),'k') poa=2*np.pi*(jj+1)/N-np.pi/N+np.arctan(d/2/ro); poe=2*np.pi*(jj+1)/N+np.pi/N-np.arctan(d/2/ro); pco=np.linspace(poa,poe,50); axs[0, 0].plot(ro*np.cos(pco),ro*np.sin(pco),'k') axs[0, 0].plot([ri*np.cos(pci[0]),ro*np.cos(pco[0])],[ri*np.sin(pci[0]),ro*np.sin(pco[0])],'k') axs[0, 0].plot([ri*np.cos(pci[-1]),ro*np.cos(pco[-1])],[ri*np.sin(pci[-1]),ro*np.sin(pco[-1])],'k') elif (typ==2): #plot circles pc=np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,100); axs[0, 0].plot(ux+a*np.cos(pc),uy+a*np.sin(pc),'k') else: #plot polygons ru=a/2/np.sin(np.pi/typ); #side length px=[ux-ru*np.cos(phi-alph)]; #start with last vertex py=[uy+ru*np.sin(phi-alph)]; for kk in range(typ): #calc all vertices and store them in Px, Py Px[kk,jj]=ux-ru*np.cos(2*(kk+1)*np.pi/typ)*np.cos(phi-alph)+ru*np.sin(2*(kk+1)*np.pi/typ)*np.sin(phi-alph); Py[kk,jj]=uy+ru*np.cos(2*(kk+1)*np.pi/typ)*np.sin(phi-alph)+ru*np.sin(2*(kk+1)*np.pi/typ)*np.cos(phi-alph); px.append(Px[kk,jj]); py.append(Py[kk,jj]); axs[0, 0].plot(px,py,'k') axs[0, 0].set_title('Arrangement of magnets in xy plane') axs[0, 0].set_xlabel('x [m]') axs[0, 0].set_ylabel('y [m]') axs[0, 0].axis('equal') #plot of geometry and field along z-direction z=np.linspace(np.min(Z0)-L*2, np.max(Z0)+L*2,2000); Bz=np.zeros(len(z)); for kk in range(len(Z0)): B=R**(2*k+3)*(R**2+(z-Z0[kk])**2)**(-k-1.5)*B0*fs*fm*fM*fL; axs[0, 1].plot(z,B,'c'); Bz=Bz+B; #output of central field in stacked rings s='stacking {0:.0f} rings with Z0 distances: in center >> '.format(len(Z0)); s=s+flux; s=s+' = {0:.3f}'.format(Bz[int(len(Bz)/2)]); s=s+unit; print(s.rjust(alignvalue)); #continue plotting axs[0, 1].plot(z,Bz,'b',lw=2); A=B0*fs*fm*fM*fL/2; for kk in range(len(Z0)): #plot rectangles at position of magnet rings rec_x =[Z0[kk]-L/2,Z0[kk]-L/2,Z0[kk]+L/2,Z0[kk]+L/2,Z0[kk]-L/2]; rec_y =[0,A,A,0,0]; axs[0,1].plot(rec_x,rec_y,'k:'); axs[0,1].plot([np.min(Z0)-L*2,np.max(Z0)+L*2],[0,0],'k--'); #plot baseline s=flux+' along cylinder axis, z'; axs[0, 1].set_title(s); s=flux+' ['+unit+']'; axs[0, 1].set_ylabel(s); axs[0, 1].set_xlabel('z [m]') axs[0, 1].axis('tight'); #plot magnitude of flux with overlayed vector plot extent=-ri, ri, -ri, ri; axs[0, 2].imshow(np.rot90(Ba,1), extent=extent); axs[0, 2].set_title('magnitude with vectors'); axs[0, 2].set_xlabel('x [m]'); axs[0, 2].set_ylabel('y [m]'); #reduce resolution for vector plot by scale dx=int(np.floor(nx/scale)); dy=int(np.floor(ny/scale)); Qx=np.zeros((dx,dy)); Qy=np.zeros((dx,dy)); Xq=np.zeros(dx); Yq=np.zeros(dy); jx=-1; for ix in range(0,nx,scale): #now sort B values in a reduced matrix jx=jx+1; Xq[jx]=Xx[ix]; jy=-1; for iy in range(0,ny,scale): jy=jy+1; Qx[jx,jy]=Bx[iy,ix]; #calc the transpose that's why x/y are swapped Qy[jx,jy]=By[iy,ix]; Yq[jy]=Yy[iy]; axs[0, 2].quiver(Xq,Yq,Qx,Qy,color='w'); #plot magnitude of flux extent=-ri, ri, -ri, ri fig1=axs[1, 0].imshow(np.rot90(Ba,1), extent=extent) axs[1, 0].set_title('magnitude of flux') axs[1, 0].set_xlabel('x [m]') axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('y [m]') fig.colorbar(fig1, ax=axs[1,0]); #plot Bx fig2=axs[1, 1].imshow(np.rot90(Bx,1), extent=extent) axs[1, 1].set_title('Bx component') axs[1, 1].set_xlabel('x [m]') axs[1, 1].set_ylabel('y [m]') fig.colorbar(fig2, ax=axs[1,1]); #plot By fig3=axs[1, 2].imshow(np.rot90(By,1), extent=extent) axs[1, 2].set_title('By component') axs[1, 2].set_xlabel('x [m]') axs[1, 2].set_ylabel('y [m]') fig.colorbar(fig3, ax=axs[1,2]); print(' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'); s='the vertices of the polygons are saved in the variables Px and Py'; print(; s='2nd plot shows {0:.0f} rings at positions in variable Z0'.format(len(Z0)); print(; print(' '); print('__________________________________________________________________________________________');