
Begutachtete Veröffentlichungen von 1993-2002.

Mit Hilfe der Suche kann nach Autoren und Ttiel gesucht werden. Außerdem lässt sich die Tabelle auch alphabetisch nach Erstautor oder chronologisch nach Veröffentlichungsjahr soriteren.

ALÉON, J., M. CHAUSSIDON, B. MARTY, L. SCHÜTZ, and R. JAENICKE (2002): Oxygen isotopes in single micrometer-sized quartz grains: Tracing the source of Saharan dust over long distance atmospheric transport. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 66, No. 19, 3351-3365. 2002
BUSCH, B., K. KANDLER, L. SCHÜTZ, C. NEUSÜß (2002): Hygroscopic properties and water soluble volume fraction of atmospheric particles in the diameter range from 50nm to 3.8μm during LACE 98. J. Geophys. Res. 107 D, LAC 2-1 – LAC 2-11. 2002
DIEHL, K., S. MATTHIAS-MASER, S.K. MITRA, and R. JAENICKE (2002) The ice nucleating ability of pollen. Part II: Laboratory studies in immersion and contact freezing modes. Atmos. Res., 61, 125-133. 2002
JUNKERMANN W., C. BRÜHL, D. PERNER, E. ECKSTEIN, T. TRAUTMANN, B. FRÜH, R. DLUGI, T. GORI, A. RUGGABER, J. REUDER, M. ZEIGER, A. HOFZUMAHAUS, B. BOHN, A. KRAUS, S. MÖLDERS, F. ROHRER, D. BRÜNING, G. MOORTGAT (2002) Actinic Radiation and Photolysis in the lower Troposphere: Effect of Clouds and Aerosols. J. Atmos. Chem., 42, 413-441 2002
ZÄNGL, G., and V. WIRTH (2002) Synoptic-scale variability of the polar and subpolar tropopause: Data analysis and idealized PV inversions. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc. (2002), submitted. 2002
BRINKMANN, J., V. DREILING, B. FRIEDERICH, R. HANKERS, S. MATTHIAS-MASER, and L. SCHÜTZ (2001) Instrumentation of the DO 128 D-IBUF for airborne measurements at different campaigns of the colloborative research centre. In: R. Jaenicke, Dynamics and Chemistry of Hydrometeores, Chapter 2, 35-44, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. 2001
BRINKMANN, J., E.-M. HACKENTHAL, M. KRÄMER, M. SCHÜLE, L. SCHÜTZ, and C. SPRENGARD-EICHEL (2001) Particle distribution, composition, and processing during cloud, fog, and rain cycles. In: R. Jaenicke, Dynamics and Chemistry of Hydrometeores, Chapter 2, 261-284, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. 2001
DIEHL, K., C. QUICK, S. MATTHIAS-MASER, S.K. MITRA, and R. JAENICKE (2001) The ice nucleating ability of pollen. Part I: Laboratory studies in deposition and condensation freezing modes. Atmos. Res., 58, 75-87. 2001
HAUCK, C., and V. WIRTH (2001) Diagnosing the impact of stratospheric planetary wave breaking in a linear model. J. Atmos. Sci., 58, 1357-13702001
JAESCHKE, W., N. BELTZ, and L. SCHÜTZ (2001) Measuring strategies of the field experiments CLEOPATRA, FELDEX and NORDEX. In: R. Jaenicke, Dynamics and Chemistry of Hydrometeores, Chapter 2, 9-34, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. 2001
KANDLER, K., BARTZ, J.,BUSCH, B.,J. HEYDER, E. KARG, M. KRÄMER, L. SCHÜTZ C. SPRENGARD-EICHEL, and, J. TSCHIERSCH (2001) Hygroscopic properties and water-soluble fraction of atmospheric particles in the diameter range from 50 nm to 3.7 μm. J. Aerosol Sci 32, Suppl. 1, S157-S158. 2001
SOKOLIK I.N. , D. WINKER, G. BERGAMETTI, D. GILLETTE, G. CARMICHAEL, Y. KAUFMAN, L. GOMES, L. SCHÜTZ, and J. PENNER (2001) Introduction to special section on mineral dust: Outstanding problems in quantifying the radiative impact of mineral dust. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 18015-18027.2001
VOHL, O., S. K. MITRA, K. DIEHL, G. HUBER, S.C. WURZLER, K.-L. KRATZ, and H.R. PRUPPACHER (2001) A wind tunnel study of turbulence effects on the scavenging of aerosol particles by water drops. J. Atmos. Sci., 58, 3064-3072. 2001
WIRTH, V. (2001) Cyclone-Anticyclone Asymmetry Concerning the Height of the Thermal and the Dynamical Tropopause. J. Atmos. Sci., 58, 26-37. 2001
WIRTH, V. (2001) Detection of Hidden Regimes in Stochastic Cyclostationary Time Series. Phys. Rev. E, 64, 016136(6). 2001
BORRMANN, S., B. LUO and M. MISHCHENKO (2000) The application of the T-matrix method to the measurement of aspherical particles with forward scattering optical particle counters. J. Aerosol Sci., 31, 789 – 799, 2000. 2000
BORRMANN, S., A. THOMAS, V. RUDAKOV, V. YUSHKOV, B. LEPUCHOV, T. DESHLER, N. VINNICHENKO, V. KHATTATOV and L. STEFANUTTI (2000) In-situ aerosol measurements in the northern hemispheric stratosphere of the 1996/97 winter on the Russian M-55 Geophysika high altitude research aircraft. Tellus, 52B, 1088 – 1103, 2000. 2000
BORRMANN, S., H. J. VÖSSING, E. M. UHLIG and R. JAENICKE (2000) In-situ measurements of the cloud microphsical structure using holography. SFB 233, Chemie und Dynamik der Hydrometeore, VCH Verlag. 2000
BUSCH, B.,J. HEYDER, K. KANDLER, E. KARG, L. SCHÜTZ and, J. TSCHIERSCH (2000) Hygroscopic properties and the water soluble fraction of the atmospheric particles in the diameter range from 50 nm to 3.7 μm at the urban site Munich during the four seasons 1999. J. Aerosol Sci 31, Suppl. 1, S313-314.2000
DIEHL, K., O. VOHL, S.K. MITRA, and H.R. PRUPPACHER (2000) A laboratory and theoretical study on the uptake of sulfur dioxide gas by small water drops containing hydrogen peroxide under laminar and turbulent conditions. Atmos. Environ., 34, 2865-2871. 2000
DIOURI, M., L. EL AMRAOUI, R. JAENICKE and, L. SCHÜTZ (2000) Aerosol turbidity over the Angad area of MOROCCO. J. Aerosol Sci 31, Suppl. 1, S279-S280. 2000
EGGER, J., S. BAJRACHAYA, U. EGGER, R. HEINRICH, J. REUDER, P. SHAKYA, H. WENDT, and V. WIRTH (2000) Diurnal winds in the Himalayan Kali Gandaki valley. Part I: observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 1106-1122. 2000
EL AMRAOUI, L., M. DIOURI, M. EL HITMY, R. JAENICKE, L. SCHÜTZ, and W. VON HOYNINGEN-HUENE (2000) Aerosol optical parameters over North Eastern MOROCCO. J. Aerosol Sci 31, Suppl. 1, S277-S278. 2000
FORSTER, C., and V. WIRTH (2000) Radiative decay of idealized stratospheric filaments in the troposphere. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 10,169-10,184. 2000
FRÜH B., T. TRAUTMANN, M. WENDISCH, and A. KEIL (2000) Comparison of observed and simulated NO2 photodissociation frequencies in a cloudless atmosphere and in continental boundary layer clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 9843–9857, 2000. 2000
FRÜH B., T. TRAUTMANN, and M. WENDISCH (2000) Measurement-based calculations of J(NO2) sensitivity to solar zenith angle, ground albedo, humidity and aerosol in a cloudless atmosphere. Atmos. Env., 34, 5249–5254, 2000. 2000
KANDLER, K., L. SCHÜTZ, B. BUSCH, J. HEYDER, E. KARG und J. TSCHIERSCH (2000) Hygroskopisches Verhalten und wasserlöslicher Anteil atmosphärischer Aerosolpartikel im Radiusbereich 5nm bis 2 μm. BMB+F: Atmosphärische Aerosolforschung. Förderkennzeichen:07AF112. Report: MACE 1999A2000
KNIPPERTZ, P., U. ULBRICH, P. SPETH (2000) Changing cyclones and surface wind speeds over the North-Atlantic and Europe in a transient GHG experiment. Climate Research, 15/2, 109-122. 2000
KRÄMER, M.; BELTZ, N.; SCHELL, D.; SCHÜTZ, L.; SPRENGARD-EICHEL, C. and S. WURZLER (2000) Cloud Processing of Continental Aerosol Particles: Experimental Investigations for Different Drop Sizes. J. Geophys. Res. 105, No. D9, 11739-11752. 2000
KRÄMER, M., L. SCHÜTZ, W. ELBERT, and N. BELTZ (2000) Ion composition of cloud processed continental aerosol particles. J. Aerosol Sci 31, Suppl. 1, S64-S65. 2000
MARTINEZ, M., D. PERNER, E.-M. HACKENTHAL, S. KÜLZER, L.SCHÜTZ (2000) NO3 at Helgoland during the NORDEX campaign in October 1996. J. Geophys. Res. 105, No. D18, 22685-22695. 2000
de REUS, M., F. DENTENER, J. STRÖM, A. THOMAS, S. BORRMANN and J. LELIEVELD (2000) Observations of Saharan dust aerosol over the Atlantic Ocean; Implications for ozone destruction by heterogeneous reactions on dust aerosol. J. Geophys. Res., 105, 15263 – 15275, 2000. 2000
SCHRÖDER, F., B. KÄRCHER, C. DUROURE, J. STRÖM, A. PETZOLD, J. F. GAYET, B. STRAUSS, P. WENDLING, and S. BORRMANN (2000) On the transition of contrails into cirrus clouds. J. Atmos. Sci., 57, 464 – 480, 2000. 2000
STEFANUTTI, L. and S. BORRMANN (2000) Airborne instrumentation for aerosol measurements. Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, 64 page contribution. 2000
von HOYNINGEN-HUENE, W., L. SCHÜTZ and, P. KÖPKE (2000) On the varability of optical properties of desert dust. J. Aerosol Sci 31, Suppl. 1, S287-S288.WIRTH, V. (2000) Thermal versus dynamical tropopause in upper tropospheric balanced flow anomalies. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 126, 299-317. 2000
YANG, J., R. JAENICKE, V. DREILING, and T. PETER (2000) Rapid condensational growth of particles in the inlet of particle sizing instruments. Journal Aerosol Sci. 31, 773-788. 2000
ZÄNGL, G., J. EGGER, and V. WIRTH (2000) Diurnal winds in the Himalayan Kali Gandaki valley. Part II: modeling. Mon. Wea. Rev., 129, 1062-1080. 2000
BOTT, A. (1999) A numerical model of the cloud-topped planetary boundary layer: cloud processing of aerosols in marine stratus. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, S453-S454 1999
BOTT, A. (1999) A numerical model of the cloud-topped planetary boundary-layer: Chemistry in marine stratus and the effects on aerosol particles. Atmospheric Environment, 33, 1921-1936.1999
BOTT, A. (1999) A numerical model of the cloud-topped planetary boundary-layer: cloud processing of aerosol particles in marine stratus. Environmental Modelling and Software, 14, 635–643. 1999
BOTT, A. (1999) A flux method for the numerical solution of the stochastic collection equation: Extension to two-dimensional particle distributions. J. Atmos. Sciences 1999
BUSCH, B., C. SPRENGARD-EICHEL, K. KANDLER and L. SCHÜTZ (1999) Hygroscopic properties and watersoluble fraction of atmospheric particles in the diameter range from 50 nm to 3.8 μm during the Aerosol Characterization Experiment in Lindenberg 1998. J. Aerosol Sci., 30, Suppl.1, S513-S514.1999
DIOURI, M., R. JAENICKE, L. SCHUTZ, L. EL AMRAOUI, and A. AZZAOUI (1999) On The Anthropogenic Aerosol Produced By The Fixation Of Isolation Material On The Building Roof Close To The Aerosol Monitoring Station. J. Aerosol Sci. 30, S663-S664 1999
FRÜH B., T. TRAUTMANN, M. WENDISCH und A. KEIL (1999) Comparison of observed and simulated NO2 photodissociation ratesusing measured aerosol and drop size distributions. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, S165-S166. 1999
GRUBER, S., S. MATTHIAS-MASER, R. JAENICKE (1999) Concentration and chemical composition of aerosol particles in marine and continental air. J. Aerosol Science 30, S9-S10 1999
GRUBER, S., R. JAENICKE (1999) Biological particles in a North Greenland ice core. J. Aerosol Science 30, S813-S814

JAENICKE, R., K. KANDLER, S. KÜLZER, L. SCHÜTZ, M. DIOURI, L. AMRAOUI, N. MEZIANI, A. AZZAOUI und M. EL HITMY (1999) Sahara-Staubtransport über Marokko nach Mitteleuropa. DFG/GTZ Final Report. 1999
KANDLER, K., L. SCHÜTZ, C. SPRENGARD-EICHEL, B. BUSCH, und J. HEYDER (1999) Hygroskopisches Verhalten und wasserlöslicher Anteil atmosphärischer Aerosolpartikel im Radiusbereich 10nm bis 2 μm. BMB+F: Atmosphärische Aerosolforschung. Förderkennzeichen:07AF112. Report: LACE 1998. 1999
KRÄMER, M., N. BELTZ, D. SCHELL, W. ELBERT, L. SCHÜTZ, C. SPRENGART-EICHEL and S. WURZLER (1999) Cloud processing of continental aerosol particles: Experimental investigations for different drop sizes. J. of Geophys. Res.1999
MARTINEZ, M., D. PERNER, B. BUSCH, E.-M- HACKENTHAL, S. KÜLZER and L. SCHÜTZ (1999) Cloud processing of continental aerosol particles: Measurements of NO3 and HONO at Helgoland in October 1996. Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium `98, ED´s: P.M. Borell and P. Borell, WITPress,Southampton, 402-407. 1999
REISIN, T.G., S.C. WURZLER and Z. LEVIN (1999) The modification of size and composition of CCN by cloud processing of mineral dust particles and the effects on cloud microphysics. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, S25-S26 1999
REISIN, T.G., and S.C. WURZLER (1999) A new insight into cloud-aerosol interactions: numerical simulations using a two component distribution function. Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 30, 1252 1999
SOKOLIK I.N., G. BERGAMETTI, G. CARMICHAEL, D. GILLETTE, L. GOMES, Y. KAUFMAN, J. PENNER L. SCHUETZ, W. VON HOYNINGEN-HUENE, and D. WINKER (1999) Challenges add up in quantifying radiative impact of mineral dust. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 80, No. 48, p.578.von GLASOW, R., and A. BOTT (1999) Interaction of radiation fog with high vegetation. Atmospheric Environment, 33, 1333-1346. 1999
VOHL, O., S. WURZLER, K. DIEHL, G. HUBER, S.K. MITRA and H.R. PRUPPACHER (1999) Experimental and theoretical studies of the effects of turbulence on impaction scavenging of aerosols, gas uptake by water drops, and collisional drop growth. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, S575-S576 1999
VOHL, O., S.K. MITRA, S.C. WURZLER and H.R. PRUPPACHER (1999) A wind tunnel study on the effects of turbulence on the growth of cloud drops by collision and coalescence. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 56, No. 24, pages 4088-4099 1999
WINTERRATH, T., and A. BOTT (1999) Wet deposition of aerosols and atmospheric trace gases in vegetation by fog – numerical case studies using detailed microphysics. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, S459-S460 1999
WURZLER, S., A. BOTT, S. GRUBER, K. DIEHL and S. MATTHIAS-MASER (1999) The influence of biological aerosol particles on cloud microphysics: Numerical case studies using new experimental data. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Vol. 30, Suppl. 1, S811-S812 1999
WURZLER, S., T.G. REISIN and Z. LEVIN (1999) Modification of mineral dust particles by cloud processing and subsequent effects on drop size distributions. Journal of Geophysical Research, in press 1999
YANG, J.L., R. JAENICKE, V. DREILING, T. PETER (1999) The condensational growth of aerosol particle and its effect in aerosol measurements. J. Aerosol Sci. 30, S69-S70, 1999 1999
YANG, J.L. (1999) A radiation model for the long-range transported desert aerosols from Asia. J. Aerosol Sci. 30, S617-S618, 1999 1999
BOTT, A. (1998) A numerical model of the cloud-topped planetary boundary-layer: Influence of the physico-chemical properties of aerosol particles on the effective radius of stratiform clouds. Report of the research during the STA Fellowship at the Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 17 pp. 1998
BOTT, A. (1998) A numerical model of the cloud-topped planetary boundary layer: radiative forcing of aerosols in stratiform clouds. Ecological Modelling, 113, 13–30. 1998
BOTT, A. (1998) A flux method for the numerical solution of the stochastic collection equation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 1998; 55: 2284-2293 1998
BRINKMANN, J., L. SCHÜTZ, V. DREILING und B. FRIEDERICH (1998) Bestimmung von Wolkenwasserinhaltsstoffen mit Schwerpunkt auf der wasserunlöslichen Phase – Erste Ergebnisse der Kampagne NORDEX. Proceedings Workshop NORDEX96 , ZUF, Frankfurt am Main, 73-75. 1998
DIEHL, K., S.K. MITRA, and H.R. PRUPPACHER (1998) A laboratory study on the uptake of HCl, HNO3, and SO2 by ice crystals and the effect of these gases on the evaporation rate of the crystals. Atmos. Res., 47/48, pp 235-244 1998
DIEHL, K., and S.K. MITRA (1998) A laboratory study of the effects of a kerosene burner exhaust on ice nucelation and the evaporation rate of ice crystals. Atmos. Environ., 32, No. 18, pp 3145-3151 1998
DIOURI, M., H. FRANKE, R. JAENICKE, M. KANDLER, S. KÜLZER, R. MASER, S. MATTHIAS-MASER and L. SCHÜTZ (1998) Size Distributions of Aerosols over NE Morocco and Particulate Matter in Wet Deposition over Central Europe. J. Aerosol Sci. 29, Suppl.1, S197-S198. 1998
GRUBER, S., S. MATTHIAS-MASER, R. JAENICKE (1998) Vertical Distribution of Biological Aerosol Particles above the North Sea. J. Aerosol Sci. 29, S771-S772 1998
HACKENTHAL, E.-M., S. KÜLZER und L. SCHÜTZ (1998) Konzentrationen und Größenverteilungen der atmosphärischen Aerosolpartikel auf Helgoland. Proceedings Workshop NORDEX96, ZUF, Frankfurt am Main, 76-79. 1998
KUHLBUSCH, T.A.J., A.-M. HERTLEIN and L.W. SCHÜTZ (1998) Sources, determination, monitoring, and transport of Carbonaceous Aerosols in Mainz, Germany. Atm. Env. 32, 1097-1110. 1998
REISIN, T.G., S.C. WURZLER and A. BOTT (1998) A new insight into cloud-aerosol interactions: Numerical simulations using a two-dimensional distribution function. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Supplement 1, Vol. 29, S785-S786 1998
SPRENGARD-EICHEL, C., M. KRÄMER and L. SCHÜTZ (1998) Soluble and Insoluble Fractions of Urban, Continental and Marine Aerosol. J. Aerosol Sci. 29, Suppl.1, S197-S198. 1998
UHLIG, E., S. BORRMANN and R. JAENICKE (1998) Inter droplet distances of cloud droplets measured with the ground based holographic system HODAR. Tellus, 50B, 377-387, 1998. 1998
VÖSSING, H. (1998) In-line holography of cloud volumes applied to the measurement of raindrops and snowflakes. Atmospheric Research 49, 199-212, 1998. 1998
WURZLER, S.C., T.G. REISIN and A. BOTT (1998) Parallelization of cloud microphysical code: numerical simulations using a two component distribution function. HiPer 98, Annual Conference on High Performance Computing on Hewlett-Packard Systems, Zuerich, Switzerland, Proceedings, 323-237 1998
WURZLER, S., A. BOTT, C. SPRENGARD-EICHEL, M. KRÄMER and S. MATTHIAS-MASER (1998) The influence of the biological and the water-soluble fraction of aerosol particles on cloud microphysics: Numerical case study for a marine situation. Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Supplement 1, Vol. 29, S795-S796 1998
WURZLER, S. (1998) The scavenging of nitrogen compounds by clouds and precipitation. II: The effects of cloud microphysical parameterization on model predictions of nictric acid scavenging by clouds. Atmos. Research 47-48, 219-233 1998
ZDUNKOWSKI, W., W.-G. PANHANS, and T. TRAUTMANN (1998) Comments on four-stream spherical harmonic expansion approximation for solar radiative transfer. J. Atmos Sci. 55, 669-672 1998
BORRMANN, S., A. THOMAS (1997) Atmosphärenforschung an der Universität Mainz: Messung und Bedeutung des stratosphärischen Aerosols. Forschungsmagazin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 13, 72-84, September 1997. 1997
BORRMANN, S., S. SOLOMON, L. AVALLONE and J. E. DYE (1997) On the occurrence of ClO in cirrus clouds and volcanic aerosol in the tropopause region. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2011-2014, 1997. 1997
BORRMANN, S., S. SOLOMON, J. E. DYE, D. BAUMGARDNER, K. K. KELLY and K. R. CHAN (1997) Heterogeneous reactions on stratospheric background aerosols, volcanic sulfuric acid droplets, and type I PSCs: The effects of temperature fluctuations and differences in particle phase. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 3639-3648, 1997. 1997
BOTT, A. (1997) A numerical model of the cloud topped planetary boundary layer: Impact of aerosol particles on radiative forcing of stratiform clouds. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 123, 631-656 1997
BOTT, A. (1997) An efficient numerical flux method for the solution of the stochastic collection equation. Journal of Aerosol Sciences 28, S745-S746 1997
BOX, M. A., P. E. LOUGHLIN, M. SAMARAS, and T. TRAUTMANN (1997) Applications of radiative perturbation theory to changes in absorbing gas. J. Geophys.Res. 102, 4333-4342 1997
BRINKMANN, J., V. DREILING, T. ENGELHARDT, B. FRIEDERICH, L. SCHÜTZ und P. WIESER (1997) Arctic haze – characterization of aircraft collected supermicron particles of different haze layers over the Beaufort Sea. J. Aerosol Sci. 28, Suppl.1, 97-98 1997
DIOURI, M., M. ELHITMY, I.S. SANDA, R. JAENICKE, S. KÜLZER, U. LEITERER, L. SCHÜTZ and K.H. SCHULTZ (1997) Indirect determination of particle size distribution using a sunphotometer at Lindenberg (Germany) and Oujda (Morocco). J. Aerosol Sci. 28, Suppl.1, 401-402 1997
EICHEL, C., M. KRÄMER und L. SCHÜTZ (1997) NORDEX´96-Wasserlösliche Anteile maritimer Aerosolpartikel auf Helgoland. Proceedings Workshop NORDEX96, 14.11.97, ZUF, Frankfurt am Main, 32-35. 1997
EICHEL, C., M. KRÄMER und L. SCHÜTZ (1997) The water-soluble fraction of marine aerosol particles measured on the island of Helgoland, North Sea. J. Aerosol Sci. 28, Suppl.1, 229-230 1997
EICHHORN, J., K. CUI, M. FLENDER, T. KANDLBINDER, W.-G. PANHANS, R. RIES, J. SIEBERT, T. TRAUTMANN, N. WEDI, W. ZDUNKOWSKI (1997) A three-dimensional viscous topography mesoscale Model. Beitr. Phys. Atmosph. 70, 301-317

FRANKE, H., R. MASER, N. VINNICHENKO, V. DREILING, R. JAENICKE, W. JAESCHKE und U. LEITERER (1997) Adaption of Microphysical and Chemical Instrumentation to the Airborne Measuring Platform Iljushin Il-18 'Cyclone' and Flight Regime Planning During the Arctic Haze Investigation 1993-95. Atmos. Research 44, 3-16 1997
GRUBER, S., S. MATTHIAS-MASER and R. JAENICKE (1997) Size distribution of primary biological aerosol particles in a vertical profile above the North Sea. J. Aerosol Science, 28, S595-S596 1997
JAENICKE, R., V. DREILING (1997) The Vertical Aerosol Structure of the Arctic Spring Troposphere. In: Tropospheric Chemistry and Related Air/Surface Exchange in Polar Regions. 1997 Joint Assemblies of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences & International Association for Physical Sciences of the Oceans. 1997
JAENICKE, R., S. KÜLZER, L. SCHÜTZ, M. DIOURI, M. ELHITMY and I.S. SANDA (1997) Sahara-Staubtransport über Marokko nach Mitteleuropa. DFG/GTZ Projekt, Progress Report. 1997
KRÄMER, M., C. EICHEL, L. SCHÜTZ and D. SCHELL (1997) Growing of aerosol particles by cloud processing: experimental investigations for different drop size classes. J. Aerosol Sci. 28, Suppl.1, 571-572 1997
KÜLZER,S., R. RIES and L. SCHÜTZ (1997) A lagrangian method to descripe Saharan dust transport towards Europe. J. Aerosol Sci. 28, Suppl.1, 461-462 1997
LOUGHLIN, P., T.TRAUTMANN, W.-G. PANHANS, A. BOTT und W. ZDUNKOWSKI (1997) Investigating the effects of different radiation parameterizations on microphysical cloud evolution. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc. 123, 1985-2007 1997
NETT, M., H.O. DENSCHLAG und L. SCHÜTZ (1997) Spurenelementanalyse in Luftfiltern mittels INAA. Jahresbericht 1996 Institut für Kernchemie, Universität Mainz. 1997
PETZOLD, A., R. BUSEN, F. P. SCHRÖDER, R. BAUMANN, M. J. KUHN, D. HAGEN, P. WHITEFIELD, D. BAUMGARDNER, F. ARNOLD, S. BORRMANN and R. SCHUMANN (1997) Near field measurements on contrail properties from fuels with different sulfur content. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 29,867-29,880, 1997. 1997
REISIN, T. and S. WURZLER (1997) The evolution of a multidimensional distribution function of drops and aerosols in the atmosphere: Implementation on a parallel computer. Proceedings, Symposium on Regional Weather Prediction on Parallel Computer Environments, October 15-17, 1997, Athens, Greece, 239-246 1997
RUGGABER, A., R. DLUGI, A. BOTT, R. FORKEL, H. HERRMANN, and H.-W. JACOBI (1997) Modelling of radiation quantities and photolysis frequencies in the aqueous phase in the troposphere. Atmospheric Environment, 31, 3137–3150.1997
SCHÜTZ, L. (1997) Mineral dust and source relevant data. Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 10/97, 9-13J. 1997
SOLOMON, S., S. BORRMANN, R. R. GARRCIA, R. PORTMANN, L. THOMASON, L. R. POOLE, D. WINKLER and M. P. McCORMICK (1997) Heterogeneous chlorine chemistry in the tropopause region. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 21,411-21,429, 1997. 1997
UHLIG, E.M., J. BRINKMANN und L. SCHÜTZ (1997) Activation radius of aerosol particles in cloud events – ground based and aircraft field measurements. J. Aerosol Sci. 28, Suppl.1, 373-374 1997
WANNER, C. and T. TRAUTMANN (1997) A general method for simulating collision kinetics of multicomponent particle populations. J. Aerosol Sci., 28, Suppl. 1, S25-S26 1997
WURZLER, S.C., Z. LEVIN and T.G. REISIN (1997) Cloud processing of dust particles and subsequent effects on drop size distributions. J. Aerosol Sci., 28, S427-S428 1997
BORRMANN, S., S. SOLOMON, J. E. DYE and B. LUO (1996) The potential of cirrus clouds for heterogeneous chlorine activation. Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 2133-2136, 1996. 1996
BORRMANN, S. (1996) Stratospheric aerosols after Pinatubo: Results from the 1991/2 Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition (AASE II) NATO ASI series, Advanced Research Workshop. G. Fiocco (editor), Rome, Italy, 14-18, 1996.1996
BOTT, A., T. TRAUTMANN and W. ZDUNKOWSKI (1996) A numerical model of the cloud topped planetary boundary layer: Radiation, turbulence and spectral microphysics in marine stratus. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 122, 635-667 1996
BOTT, A. (1996) A microphysical model of the cloud topped marine boundary layer. Proceedings, 12th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, Zürich, Switzerland, 725-728 1996
EICHEL, C., M. KRÄMER, L. SCHÜTZ and S. WURZLER (1996a) The water-soluble fraction of atmospheric aerosol particles and its influence on cloud microphysics. J. of Geophys. Res., 101, 499-510 1996
EICHEL, C., KRÄMER, M., SCHÜTZ, L. and S. WURZLER (1996b) The solubility of atmospheric aerosol particles and its impact on cloud microphysics. J. of Aerosol Sci., 27, 581-582 1996
JAENICKE, R., V. DREILING (1996) Around the North Pole in a Russian IL-18 Aircraft. TSI Journal 10, 3-17JAENICKE, R., V. DREILING (1996) Time Series of the Condensation Nuclei Concentration at the German Neumayer-Station in Antarctica Since 1982. In: Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols 1996, M. Kulmala, P.E. Wagner (edt) Pergamon Press 435-438 1996
JAENICKE, R., S. KÜLZER, L. SCHÜTZ and M. DIOURI (1996) Sahara-Staubtransport über Marokko nach Mitteleuropa. DFG/GTZ Project-Report. 1996
KRÄMER, M., M. SCHÜLE and L. SCHÜTZ (1996) A method to determine rainwater solutes from pH and conductivity measurements. Atm.Env. Vol.30, 3291 – 3300.1996
KRÄMER,M., C. EICHEL, M. SCHÜLE M., L. SCHÜTZ and D. SCHELL (1996) Cloud Cycling of Soluble and Insoluble Substances: Field Studies on Mountain Kleiner Feldberg, FRG. 12th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, Zürich, Proceedings – Volume 2, 1200 – 1203. 1996
MATTHIAS-MASER, S., S. GRUBER, R. JAENICKE (1996) The Size Distribution of Promary Biological Aerosol Particles in Rain-Water. In: Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols 1996, M. Kulmala, P.E. Wagner (edt) Pergamon Press 526-529 1996
SEEßELBERG, M., T. TRAUTMANN and M. THORN (1996) Stochastic simulations as a benchmark for mathematical methods solving the coalescence equation. Atmos. Res. 40, 33-48 1996
STEFANUTTI, L., A. ADRIANI, A. AZZOLINI, S. BORRMANN, B. CARLI, G. FIOCCO, G. GIOVANELLI, G. GEORGIADIS and V. KHATTATOV (1996) Airborne Polar Experiment (APE). Appeared in Life Chemistry Reports, 1996.1996
VOHL, O., S.K. MITRA and H.R. PRUPPACHER (1996) A wind tunnel study of the effect of turbulence on the collisional growth of water drops. Proceedings, 12th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, Zürich Vol. 1, 49-52 1996
WURZLER, S. (1996) The effects of cloud microphysical parametrization on model predictions of gas scavenging by warm convective clouds. Proceedings, 12th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation Zürich, 1134-11371996
WURZLER, S., C. EICHEL, L. SCHÜTZ and M. KRÄMER (1996) Sensitivity of cloud microphysics on the solubility of atmospheric aerosol particles: numerical case study using new experimental data. Proceedings, 12th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation Zürich, 1204-1207 1996
ZIMMERMANN, G. (1996) Reduced Dimension Weather Equations. ZAMM 76, Suppl. 5 1996
BORRMANN, S., L. STEFANUTTI and V. KHATTATOV (1995) In situ and remote sensing measurements with the M-55 Geophysika Stratospheric Research Aircraft: The Airborne Polar Experiment. SPARC newsletter No. 5 , 20-21, July 1995. 1995
BORRMANN, S., L. STEFANUTTI and V. KHATTATOV (1995) Chemistry and aerosol measurements on the Geopysika Stratospheric Research Aircraft: The Airborne Polar Experiment, 1995, Strategies for European Stratospheric research. Publication in Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Special volume, P. Fabian (ed)., Pergamon Press, vol. 20, No. 1, 97-101, 1995. 1995
BORRMANN, S., J. E. DYE, D. BAUMGARDNER, M. PROFFITT, J. MARGITAN, J. C. WILSON, H. H. JONSSON, C. A. BROCK, M. LOEWENSTEIN, J. R. PODOLSKE and G. V. FERRY (1995) Aerosols as dynamical tracers in the lower stratosphere: The aerosol vs. ozone correlations after the Mount Pinatubo Eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 11,147-11,156, 1995. 1995
BOTT, A. (1995) The impact of the physico-chemical microstructure of atmospheric aerosols on the formation of stratiform clouds. Journal of Aerosol Sciences 26, S889-S890 1995
DIEHL, K., S.K. MITRA, and H.R. PRUPPACHER (1995) A laboratory study of the uptake of HNO3 and HCl vapor by snow crystals and ice spheres at temperatures between 0 an -40 C. Atmos. Environ., 29, pp 975-981

DREILING, V., R. JAENICKE (1995) German-Russian Arctic Haze Project: Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Integral Parameters in Spring and Summer and Derived Size Distributions. J. Aerosol Sci. 26, S591-S592 1995
DREILING, V., R. JAENICKE (1995) Vertical Sounding of the Siberian Atmospheric Aerosol. In: The Second Vereshchagin Baikal Conference, 5-10 Oct 1995, Irkutsk 1995
JAENICKE, R., V. DREILING (1995) Um den Nordpol mit einer russischen Iljutschin 18. Teil I: Der Arktische Dunst. Teil II: Die Expedition im Frühjahr 1994. Forschungsmagazin 2/95, 72-85 1995
JAENICKE, R., W. JAESCHKE, V. KHATTATOV, U. LEITERER, R. MASER (1995) The Joint Russian-German Airborne Research Project 'Arctic Haze' 1993-1995. J. Aerosol Sci. 26, S457-S458 1995
JONAS, P.R., R.J. Charlson, H. Rohde with T.L. Anderson, M.O. Andreae, E. Dutton, H. Graf, Y. Fouquart, H. Grassl, J. Heintzenberg, P.V. Hobbs, D. Hofmann, B. Huebert, R. Jaenicke, M. Jietai, J. Lelieveld, M. Mazurek, M.P. McCormick, J. Ogren, J. Penner, F. Raes, L. Schütz, S. Schwatz, G. Slinn, H. ten Brink (1995) Aerosols. In: Houghton, J.T., L.G. Meira Filho, J. Bruce, Hoesung Lee, B.A. Callander, E. Haites, N. Harris, K. Maskell Climate Change 1994 Radiative Forcing of Climate Change and An Evaluation of the IPCC I S92 Emission Scenarios. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Chapter 3, 127-162, Cambridge University Press 1995
JONSSON, H. H., J. C. WILSON, C. A. BROCK, R. K. KNOLLENBERG, R. NEWTON, J. E. DYE, D. BAUMGARDNER, S. BORRMANN, G. W. FERRY, R. PUESCHEL, D. C. WOODS and M. C. PITTS (1995) Performance of the Focused Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer for measurements in the stratosphere of particle size in the 0.06-2 mircometer diameter range. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Technol., 12, 115-129, 1995. 1995
KRÄMER, M., J. BRINKMANN, C. EICHEL, R. JAENICKE, D. SCHELL, M. SCHÜLE, L. SCHÜTZ (1995) Field Studies on the Cloud Processing of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles and Trace Gases. J. Aerosol Sci. 26, S893-S894 1995
MATTHIAS-MASER, S., K. PETERS, R. JAENICKE (1995) Seasonal Variation of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles. J. Aerosol Sci. 26, S545-S546 1995
MATTHIAS-MASER, S., R. JAENICKE (1995) The Size Distribution of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles With Radii > 0.2 μm in an Urban/Rural Influenced Region. Atmos. Research 39, 279-286 1995
PRUPPACHER, H.R., R. JAENICKE (1995) The Processing of Water Vapor and Aerosols by Atmospheric Clouds, a Global Estimate. Atmos. Research 38, 283-295 1995
RESPONDEK, P.S., A.I. FLOSSMANN, R.R. ALHEIT and H.R. PRUPPACHER (1995) A Theoretical Study of the Wet Removal of Atmospheric Pollutants. Part V: The Uptake, Redistribution and Deposition of (NH4)2SO4 by a Convective Cloud Containing Ice Using a Two-dimensional Cloud Dynamics Model with Detailed Microphysics. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 2121-2132 1995
WURZLER, S., A.I. FLOSSMANN, H.R. PRUPPACHER and S.E. SCHWARTZ (1995) The scavenging of nitrate by clouds and precipitation: I. A theoretical study of the uptake and redistribution of NaNO3 particles and HNO3 gas by growing cloud drops using an entraining air parcel model. J. of Atm. Chem., 20, 259-280 1995
ZIMMERMANN, G. (1995) Empirical Orthogonal Functions and Attractor Dimensions for Computed and Observed Meteorological Time Series. Beitr. Phys. Atmosph. 68, 149-160 1995
BORRMANN, S., R. JAENICKE, R. MASER, B.G. ARENDS (1994) Instrument Intercomparison Study on Cloud Droplet Size Distribution. Measurements: Holography vs. Laser Optical Particle Counter. J. Atmos. Chem. 19, 253-258 1994
BORRMANN, S., R. JAENICKE, R. MASER, B.G. ARENDS (1994) Droplet Size Distributions and Liquid Water Contents in Stratus Clouds: Instrument Intercomparison between Holography, FSSP-100 Optical Particle Counter and Particulate Volume Monitor PVM-100. J. Aerosol Sci. 24, S577-S578 1994
DREILING, V., R. JAENICKE (1994) The Vertical Structure of Atmospheric Aerosol Size Distributions – Examples from the Arctic Haze. J. Aerosol Sci 25, S47-S48 1994
DREILING, V., R. JAENICKE (1994) Vertical Aerosol Size Distributions in Remote Regions, Obtained by Integral Parameters. In: R.C. Flagan, 4th International Aerosol Conference Vol. 2, 1050-1051 1994
JAENICKE, R., V. DREILING (1994) The Vertical Structure of Atmospheric Aerosol Size Distributions in Arctic and Siberian Atmosphere. Siberian Haze-2, International Workshop Novosibirsk 14-18 September 1993, 14-16 1994
JAESCHKE, W. und L. SCHÜTZ (1994) Feldexperimente zur Phasenverteilung von Spurenstoffen bei Nebel- und Wolkenbildung. In: DFG-SFB 233 "Dynamik und Chemie der Hydrometeore", Arbeitsbericht 1991-1993, 269 – 340. 1994
KOUTSENOGII, P.K., R. JAENICKE (1994) Number Concentration and Size Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol in Siberia. J. Aerosol Sci. 25, 377-383 1994
KRÄMER, M. and L. SCHÜTZ (1994) On the collection efficiency of a rotating arm collector and its applicability to cloud- and fogwater sampling. J. Aerosol Sci. Vol. 25, 137 -148. 1994
MATTHIAS-MASER, S., R. JAENICKE (1994) Examination of Atmospheric Bioaerosol Particles With Radii > 0.2 μm. J. Aerosol Sci. 25, 1605-1613 1994
UHLIG, E.M., R. JAENICKE, S. BORRMANN (1994) Application of Single and Double Pulsed Fraunhofer In-Line Holography in Cloud Physics. J. Aerosol Sci. 25, S521-S522 1994
WURZLER, S., P.S. RESPONDEK, A.I. FLOSSMANN and H.R. PRUPPACHER (1994) Simulation of the dynamics, microstructure and aerosol particle scavenging of a precipitating and a non-precipitating cloud by means of a detailed 2-D cloud model. Beitr. z. Phys. d. Atm., 67, 313-319 1994
ZIMMERMANN, G. (1994) Kritische Schichten bei barotroper Instabilität. ZAMM 74, T443-T445 1994
BORRMANN, S., J. E. DYE, D. BAUMGARDNER, J. C. WILSON, H. H. JONSSON, C. A. BROCK, M. LOEWENSTEIN, J. R. PODOLSKE and G. V. FERRY (1993) In-situ measurements of changes in stratospheric aerosol and the N2O-aerosol relationship inside and outside of the polar vortex. Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, No. 22, 2559-2562, 1993. 1993
BORRMANN, S., R. JAENICKE and P. NEUMANN (1993) On spatial distributions and inter-droplet distances measured in stratus clouds with in-line holography. Atmospheric Research, 29, 229-245, 1993.BORRMANN, S., and R. JAENICKE (1993) Application of microholography for ground based in-situ measurements in stratus cloud layers: A case study. J. Atmos. and Oceanic Technol., 10, No.3, 277-293, 1993. 1993
BORRMANN, S., R. JAENICKE, P. NEUMANN (1993) On Spatial Distributions and Inter-Droplet Distances Measured in Stratus Clouds with In-line Holography. J. Atmos. Res. 29, 229-245 1993
BARTNICKI, J., H. MODZELEWSKI, H. SZEWCZYK-BARTNICKA, J. SALTBONES, E. BERGE, and A. BOTT (1993) An eulerian model for atmospheric transport of heavy metals over Europe: Model development and testing. Technical Report no. 117, Det Norske Meteorologiske Institutt, Oslo, 60 pp. 1993
BROCK, C. A., H. H. JONSSON, J. C. WILSON, J. E. DYE, D. BAUMGARDNER and S. BORRMANN (1993) Relationships between optical extinction, backscatter and aerosol surface and volume in the tratosphere following the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 2555-2558, 1993. 1993
FAHEY, D. W., S. R. KAWA, E. L. WOODBRIDGE, P. TIN, J. C. WILSON, H. H. JONSSON, J. E. DYE, D. BAUMGARDNER, S. BORRMANN, D. W. TOOHEY, L. M. Avallone, M. H. PROFITT, J. MARGITAN, M. LOEWENSTEIN, R. J. SALAWITCH, S. C. WOFSY, M. K. W. KO, D. E. ANDERSON, M. R. SCHOEBERL and K. R. CHAN (1993) Heterogeneous chemistry in the mid latitude lower stratosphere: The role of reactive nitrogen and the impact of volcanic aerosol in ozone photochemistry. Nature, 363, 509-514, 1993. 1993
HANUSCH, T., R. JAENICKE (1993) Simulation of the Optical Particle Counter Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe 100 (FSSP-100). Consequences for Size Distribution Measurements. Aerosol Sci. & Techn. 18, 309-322

JAENICKE, R. (1993) Tropospheric Aerosols. In: Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions. P.V. Hobbs (ed), Academic Press,1-31. 1993
JAENICKE, R., S. MATTHIAS-MASER (1993) The Direct Contribution of the Biosphere to the Atmospheric Aerosol. J. Aerosol Sci. 24, S537-S538 1993
JAESCHKE, W. and L. SCHÜTZ (1993) Durchführung des Feldexperiments CLEOPATRA – Zwischenbericht der Teilprojekte B1A und B2. Special-Report DFG-SFB 233. 1993
MATTHIAS-MASER, S., R. JAENICKE (1993) Biological and Biological Contaminated Aerosol Particles in Marine Air. J. Aerosol Sci. 24, S539-S540 1993
SCHÜTZ, L., S. KÜLZER, M. KRÄMER, M. SCHÜLE and K.H. LIEBL (1993) Time series of atmospheric aerosol mass concentrations and dust depostion over the Rhein-Main area, FRG. Annales Geophysicae, Part II, Vol.11, Suppl. II, C 273. 1993
SCHÜTZ, L., M. FLENDER and L. HELMES (1993) Atmospheric turbidity over the Rhein-Main area, FRG. Annales Geophysicae, Part II, Vol. 11, Suppl. II, C 273.1993