
The equality of men and women is the university’s permanent legal obligation. JGU’s equality focus is on the dismantling of structural obstacles and guaranteeing an equal university environment.

A variety of activities, measures, tools, and structures support JGU in reaching this goal.

Contact persons in matters of equality at JGU are:

  • The Senate’s Equality Commissioner
  • The Faculties’ Equality Commissioner
  • The Committee on Gender Equality
  • The Equality and Diversity Office employees

The Senate’s Equality Commissioner and the Equality and Diversity Office’s team work together with the Federal Conference of Commissioners for Women and Equality (Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen, BuKoF) and the Federal State Conference of University Women Rhineland-Palatinate (Landeskonferenz der Hochschulfrauen Rheinland-Pfalz, LaKoF).

JGU is above the federal average for the percentage of women in doctoral programs, professorships, and junior professorships, among other things.

As a result of the percentage of women in doctoral programs, the increase of the percentage of female academic personnel (excluding lifetime professorships), and the increase of the percentage of women professors compared to 2008, the Center of Excellence Women in Science University Ranking places JGU in the top group (see the  JGU press release from 27 August 2015, in German).

In 2017, the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz received the distinction "TOTAL E-QUALITY" for the fifth time in a row for continually expanding their equality measures.