Young Female Researchers

Academic careers are attractive, since they allow for a level of flexibility in content and pacing, as well as for the possibility of pursuing own research interests, sharing knowledge, and shaping one’s own occupational role fairly freely. In order to reach this career goal, there is also a relatively long qualification phase with uncertain job security, high competition, performance pressure, and many mobility challenges to tackle. On the way there, career paths have been shown to have multi-dimensional gender segregation on the institutional, professional, and personal level (see Kahlert 2013: Riskante Karrieren). The higher the qualification level, the lower the percentage of women across the board, and science loses many highly qualified women especially right after they achieve their doctorate.
JGU actively combats this problem by applying different equality measures to different subjects and career phases, especially to the critical mid-career phase after completing a doctorate.

Generally, the Equality and Diversity Office’s Program for young female researchers (Programm Weiblicher Wissenschaftsnachwuchs (ProWeWin)) offers career-relevant workshops, as well as advising and coaching to support women on their academic qualification path.

Subject-specific mentoring programs are the Christine de Pizan-Program (CPD – humanities and social sciences, art and music), Mentoring University Medicine Mainz (MeMentUM), as well as the Ada Lovelace-Program (ALP – STEM area) (links in German).

You can find a variety of information on all qualification phases on the GYR’s website for young researchers and artists.