Queer* Students

We, the Department of Queer* students, represent all students of the JGU Mainz who place themselves on the LGBTIQ* spectrum. In April 2020, our department transitioned from being the department for gay students into the department for all queer* students. Since then, our political efforts have been focused in particular on dismantling discriminatory structures at the University of Mainz for trans* and inter* students. Be it the recognition of a name change in the university system, discrimination in studies and teaching, or the bathroom situation at the university. Our department aims to create spaces where students can experience themselves not only in their sexual orientation, but also in their gender and identity. Especially the events at our location on campus, the Qkaff, but also our champagne reception at the beginning of each semester are supposed to give you the opportunity to get to know other queer* people, to connect with them and to learn more about your fellow human beings and your own role in the community. Through our events on campus, be it lectures, workshops or discussions (in times of Covid-19 realised as online events), we try to stay on top of the current topics, academic interests, needs and political opinions of our community. We understand the work in our department as a never ending fight against discrimination of queer* people and for a community in which we can feel accepted and a community within which we can fight for our rights!